Wow! Girls you're amazing. Everyone of you! Everyone of this 55 Followers who is reading my Blog! I"m so glad you found your way to my site.
My blog is now online exactly 1 month and I really love to blog. I love to share all this beautyfuy posts and I really love your comments and opinions!
I know 55 Readers are not much in comparison to other Fashion blogs which have over 3000 followers but important is that I'm happy to have each one of you!
Dear Readers: Thank you so much!
Another thing is: I think you've already noticed that I've changed my Header. I'm always getting bad reviews about the first Header (eg. it's so chaotic and confusing). So I decided to make a new one and I hope you like it so far! Please let me know!
I'm also always getting critic because I don't have that much personal stuff so I want to ask you:
Do you want more personal stuff? Scroll down at the end of my blog and you'll find a Vote!
If I could I would give you all a hug! Svenja